About Me

Meet the Maker

Hi! My name is Denise and I am the maker behind Kaleidoscope Kreations! I'd like to share my story with you. When You look at a kaleidoscope on the outside it’s not very impressive or interesting to look at, but when you look through the viewfinder it feels almost magical. It seems amazing, beautiful, stunning, complicated. We as humans, really only pay attention to someone’s exterior and not their inside and make judgements. 

Humans are like kaleidoscopes. Not simply for the inner beauty that can be found, but for the fact that everyone is complicated inside, a mixture of all colors and thoughts and ideas.

Just like a kaleidoscope, my kreations are also a mixture of colors and can be customized to your inner colors or ideas. Every item that you see is handmade by myself and I take pride in creating something special for everyone. Custom items can also be made per special request.

I have always had low self-esteem growing up and made fun of how I looked on the outside and no one took the time to see what was on the inside. I always said if I ever had my own business, it would have Kaleidoscope somewhere in the name. We are all beautiful inside and out.

Thank you for supporting my Kreations!